
felices notas,

de mi crg, por supuesto - ¿ quién sino? -,
Cálido abrazo desde las muy frías y muy altas Tierras Altas para Abraham Morales, laboratorista irredento con cierta propensión a desbrujularse en territorio fronterizo y ahora becario del Centro Toluqueño de Escritores. Ajúa, puesn.
La nota del periódico Milenio del 21 de diciembre anunció: Obtiene Abraham Morales Beca de invierno para prosa poética Considerado el premio más antiguo del Estado de México otorgado por el Centro Toluqueño de Escritores tuvo 21 aspirantes.
México, DF.- Con el proyecto “En cuanto al mar”, Abraham Morales Moreno, joven poeta y estudiante de la Universidad Iberoamericana, obtuvo la Beca de invierno para prosa poética, que otorga el Centro Toluqueño de Escritores.Morales, con residencia en Ocoyoacac, Estado de México, aborda con espíritu lúdico los problemas de identidad y territorio, destaca el fallo dado a conocer hoy aquí.
El joven ha formado parte del taller de la escritora Cristina Rivera Garza, dentro del cual participó en la antología “Romper el hielo: novísimas escrituras al pie del volcán”. Asimismo ha tomado talleres de poesía de Reynaldo Jiménez y Jen Hoffer. "

De plácemes

Felíz, contento, desaforado ( sic) , y adjetivos parecidos para describir el estado alterno de conciencia en el que me encuentro: el Centro Toluqueño de Escritores me ha dado el mejor de los regalos de navidad( uy si, hasta cursi salí). He aquí los detalles:
En el diario Milenio:
" 21 de Diciembre
Obtiene Abraham Morales Beca de invierno para prosa poética

Considerado el premio más antiguo del Estado de México otorgado por el Centro Toluqueño de Escritores tuvo 21 aspirantes.
México, DF.- Con el proyecto “En cuanto al mar”, Abraham Morales Moreno, joven poeta y estudiante de la Universidad Iberoamericana, obtuvo la Beca de invierno para prosa poética, que otorga el Centro Toluqueño de Escritores.

Morales, con residencia en Ocoyoacac, Estado de México, aborda con espíritu lúdico los problemas de identidad y territorio, destaca el fallo dado a conocer hoy aquí.

El joven ha formado parte del taller de la escritora Cristina Rivera Garza, dentro del cual participó en la antología “Romper el hielo: novísimas escrituras al pie del volcán”. Asimismo ha tomado talleres de poesía de Reynaldo Jiménez y Jen Hoffer.

El jurado calificador del premio más antiguo del Estado de México, estuvo integrado por los poetas Max Rojas, Claudina Domingo y Rodrigo Balam, quienes recomendaron a Xadira Ramírez Romero para, en caso de concluir su proyecto “Ojo de volcán: geografía poética de la Zona Oriente del Estado de México”, pueda ser publicado. Oriunda de Tepetlixpa, Ramírez habla de 16 aspectos culturales de la región que habita.Alumna del poeta Enrique Villada y del artista plástico Nahum B.Zenil, Ramírez es profesora de artes plásticas, teatro y literatura en la Unidad Académica Profesional de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
El Centro Toluqueño de Escritores destacó el grado de competencia que en esta ocasión tuvo el certamen, con 21 aspirantes al galardón de literatura más prestigiado de la entidad."
En el diario Portal :

Anuncian al ganador de la beca de invierno para prosa poética
26 de Diciembre del 2006 22:01:00 CST
Un joven poeta de Ocoyoacac, Abraham Morales Moreno, estudiante de la Universidad Iberoamericana, se adjudicó el premio literario más antiguo del Estado de México otorgado por el Centro Toluqueño de Escritores, mientras que Juana Xadira Ramírez Romero, poeta de Nepantla, obtuvo una recomendación para publicar en caso de concluir su proyecto.
El jurado calificador de la beca de invierno para prosa poética, integrado por los poetas Max Rojas, Claudina Domingo y Rodrigo Balam, al dar a conocer su fallo, destacó el alto grado de competencia del certamen en el que participaron veintiún aspirantes al galardón de literatura más prestigiado de la entidad.
El ganador Abraham Morales Moreno, con residencia en Ocoyoacac, se encuentra antologado en "Romper el hielo: novísimas escrituras al pie del volcán", libro que reúne una muestra del taller de la escritora Cristina Rivera Garza. Además, ha participado en los talleres de poesía de Reynaldo Jiménez y Jen Hofer.
Con su proyecto "En cuanto al mar" pretende abordar con espíritu lúdico los problemas de identidad y territorio.
Por su parte, Xadira Ramírez, oriunda de Tepetlixpa, desarrollará el proyecto "Ojo de volcán: geografía poética de la Zona Oriente del Estado de México" que hablaría de dieciséis aspectos culturales de aquella región. Alumna del poeta Enrique Villada y del artista plástico Nahum B. Zenil, ella es profesora de artes plásticas, teatro y literatura en el Unidad Académica Profesional de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México en Amecameca.
La firma del convenio para el desarrollo de la beca deberá realizarse en los primeros días de enero, informó la secretaria del Centro Toluqueño de Escritores, Laura Zúñiga Orta.
Yo digo: !!! enhorabuena!!! !!! ajua!!!
DAK: solsticio de invierno: 2 : el más enorme de los abrazos para mi pequeña : )


Di- á- lo-go

Pensaba piratearme un texto del Jaime, mi manito del LFE/ WLB, pero ya no lo encontré. Ya le escribiré y veremos que pasa con el texto sobre Oaxaca que él escribió y que, de verás, me pareció chido. En tanto está picture, hay ustedes dirán, y un link: http://cml.vientos.info/

Una imagen dice más que

a) un tufo de palabras

b) algo sobre las palabras

c) al final de cuentas, más de mil palabras.


Demasiado político

Que tal si escribo algo así como este blog no es político pero de cualquier modo , o mejor aún, cito -casi textual -una conversación escuchada en algún lado :
- ya checaste el blog de María Rivera.
- si no inventes está super politizada.
( nunca me quedó calro si eso era una ventaja o desventaja o algo que celebar o algo por lo cual llorar)
Siempre me ha quedado la duda acerca de por qué muchos de los que escriben-novelistas, poetas, dramaturgos, cuentistas, narradores,vamos: intelectuales- muestran una reticencia casi genética a externar sus opiniones sobre asuntos de la, ay dios, politica. No sé si quizá deseen mantenerse al margen , o si no quieran comprometer su beca o plaza de académicos o si lo hacen porque quieren seguir siendo respetados o si lo hagan por pose . O sí, ciertamente, aquella discusión entre escritura-politíca les parezca superada( posición complatamente válida, al igual que las otras). Hay algunos y algunas que hasta dicen cosas como pues te puedo dar una opinión del tema( sea Chiapas, Marcos, EZLN, AMLO, Atenco, Cuba, Oaxaca, Irak, etc., etc.) como ciudadan@ pero como escritor o escritora no. Y supongo que se vale. Pero me queda la duda ¿ En qué momento la escritura se vuelve política y viceversa? ¿ En qué momento no ?
Para mí la escritura es eminentemente, inevitablemente política, cuando se escribe no se puede evadir esa condición. Se escriba lo que se escriba. Y no tengo que escribir una novela sobre los altos de Chiapas o un poema que mencione a un jaguar o al hambre- escrituras válidas y/o necesarias, por cierto- para permear esa barrera entre escritura y política. Hace poco un autor de la blogosfera hizo un comentario arremetiendo contra los judíos: se armó un mitote y decidió disculparse por ello, pero aclaró que lo hacía sólo porque había lastimado con tales comentarios a alguien de quien si le importaba (?) su opinión. ¿ Cuántas historias similares hemos escuchado- sólo cambian protagonistas-? En fin que como decía toda escritura es eminentemente política- y sí lo repito-. Eduardo Milán escribía que Keats afirmaba algo así como que el tamaño de la poesía de un país es inmesamente proporcional al número de sus panteones.
Así pues ha escribir y mucho y de todo, no importa que sea político, bueno al menos eso, humildemente, digo yo. Y por último citó este fragmento de una entrevista realizada al poeta Juan Carlos Bautista, cuyo cometario acertadisímo- a mi parecer- comparto:
-¿Debe el artista involucrarse en causas sociales?
-¿Y por qué no? ¿Son los artistas ángeles? Debe involucrarse en ellas -si quiere, si le viene en gana o si su conciencia se remueve lo necesario- en cuanto ciudadano. No creo que un artista deba comprometer su arte, a menos que en esa forma de compromiso se le vaya la vida entera, como en Roque Dalton digamos. Esta es una discusión del todo superada y no insistiré en ella. Lo que sí me parece abominable es esa figura del artista-Santón, del Artista-Verdad- Absoluta, que no son ciudadanos sino tótems, que no piensan sin pontificar, que sólo profieren verdades inquebrantables como piedras cifradas, y cuya actividad pública sólo es un tributo a su enorme megalomanía.

[Writing when writing is impossible

por Jen Hofer
the given

I think it is necessary to risk an inability to speak if I am to find whether anything can still be said…However oblique the angle, the poems’ line passes through the space of a beloved. Why write if this is not so? The possibility that the beloved will not answer, is dead or absent, is interior to this address. It is the possibility that the poem takes place where space has vanished. The lyric is the recognition that one might not speak at all. Still, I am in love and in the world. Neither is given in advance where what advances is the war. (Taylor Brady)

the disaster

without language
to speak. Silence
as distinct from
every manifestation appearing.

Not to write —
and it is never sure;
One must just write,
Not writing is
a means of expression
in order not to write — in order that, writing, I not write,

concession — despair,
the favor the disaster
sovereignty, utterly

To fail
To want


a relation of submersion

out of failure,

anguish anguish,

May words cease to be arms; means of action, means of salvation.
A gunman with an assault-style rifle opened fire on a group of people standing on the sidewalk in front of a South Los Angeles home Friday afternoon, killing three, including a 7- or 8-year old boy, a 17-year-old boy, and a 21-year-old man. (Los Angeles Times) While in U.S. military custody,( Sadiq Zoman) was beaten, tortured with electric shock, whipped, one of his hands was broken, his head was bludgeoned, and he was dropped off comatose to the General Hospital in Tikrit a month later. (Dahr Jamail) (FBI) agents (at Guantánamo Prison) saw female interrogators forcibly squeeze male prisoners' genitals, and witnessed detainees stripped and shackled low to the floor for many hours. (Marjorie Cohn) After the attack on Djawara, some girls from our village went to gather firewood in the wadi and came across some Janjawid. One of them managed to escape to warn us. When we…arrived in the wadi, the Janjawid shot at us. The four girls were raped. Here girls have a duty to get married - there are hardly any single people - but none would marry these girls now that this has happened. The four girls are 13, 10, 12 and 9 respectively. (Amnesty International testimonies) Those arrested for political reasons are frequently tortured to extract confessions of membership in the (Free Aceh Movement). One 22-year-old man was reportedly beaten, burned, trampled on by 30 men, forced to strip and perform oral sex on another detainee and made to run barefoot on hot tarmac until his feet were burned. Another shop owner interviewed by Amnesty International in May 2004 still had dozens of cigarette burns on his arms three months after his arrest and torture. He claimed to have been accused of being a (Movement) intelligence officer after refusing to pay policemen "cigarette money". (Amnesty International) According to witnesses, the Ghalya family went to the beach (in Gaza) on June 9 for a family outing. After shells fell nearby, the father...gathered his family together and called for a car. An explosion then occurred in the middle of the family group. “Their legs I could see inside. Their intestines I could see spilling out,” said Mohammed Sawarka, 28, who rushed to the scene to help. “A 1-month-old child was dead inside its carriage.” He also found a hand in the sand. (Human Rights Watch) A young Palestinian blew himself up in a crowded Haifa city bus, killing fifteen and wounding three dozen. Washington Post reporter Lee Hockstader described the scene…In an instant, the bus became an inferno of death and blood. Corpses and fragments of bodies were strewn across the seats and aisles, and the wounded staggered out the doors and tumbled from the shattered windows. The bomb tore apart students and retirees, Filipino workers and Russian immigrants, soldiers and civilians-a random sampling of this working-class city's diverse population…Palestinian officials…point to the provocative impact of incidents such as an alleged Israeli booby-trap bomb that killed five young boys in Khan Yunis on November 22, 2001. "Everyone should realize that atrocities lead to atrocities," said Nabil Sha'ath, the Palestinian Authority minister of planning and international cooperation. (Human Rights Watch)

I live by tangible experience and not by logical explanation. I have of the divine an experience so mad that one will laugh at me if I speak of it. I enter into a dead end. There all possibilities are exhausted; the “possible” slips away and the impossible prevails. To face the impossible – exorbitant, indubitable – when nothing is possible any longer is in my eyes to have an experience of the divine; it is analogous to a torment.” (George Bataille)

the disaster

condition is no condition:
which no destruction touches,
as it is bereft

of beginning over again,
It is the irreducible — the incompatible,

which even affliction does not divulge,

— on account of our being indestructible
and infinitely destroyed.

If one wishes
— why? but why not? —
the wounded
the already dead body
the body animated
desire of dying — desire that dies

exposure to the outside,
within bounds,
deprived of humanity,

there is the answer to the question,
that makes the question
the question, makes

the interrogative
without any inquiry, which

is precisely the absence
Brooke Nicole McKinney, a freshman at Valley View High School, was fatally shot late Saturday while attending a middle-school graduation party on the Moreno Valley’s south side. As she lay in the driveway of a home near the party, at least four neighbors…said they saw several young people photographing Brooke’s body with their cell phones. And while police did cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the girl, a bystander kicked and beat one of them. (Press-Enterprise, Inland Southern California). In Haditha an explosive charge went off under a US Marine vehicle in the Al-Subhani area, destroying it completely. (Lance Corporal Miguel Terrazas was killed.) Half an hour later…US aircraft bombarded four houses near the scene of the incident, causing the immediate death of five Iraqis. Afterward, the US troops stormed three adjacent houses where three families were living near the scene of the explosion…The US troops, along with the Iraqi Army, executed 21 persons; that is, three families, including nine children… seven women, and three elderly people. (Walid Khalid) The photographs show what appear to be Indonesian soldiers hanging prisoners by chains, shoving steel poles down their throats, forcing them to eat dirt, applying electric shocks to their genitalia, and burying bodies in unmarked graves at night. Among the military and militias' other favored methods of torture: pulling out finger and toenails, crushing people's fingers and toes under chair legs, dunking them under water, or temporarily suffocating them by putting bags over their heads. (Lindsay Sobel) Police…found a human head in a plastic bag outside the main entrance to City Hall (in Acapulco), a day after authorities found a decapitated body…Authorities were investigating whether the head was from the decapitated body found Wednesday, which had the letter Z carved into its chest. The feet and hands were bound, and the body appeared to have been dragged by a car down one of the city’s main avenues. (Los Angeles Times) (In the Democratic Republic of Congo,) torture methods comprise beatings, burning victims' bodies with hot irons, regular use of leg irons and of a disused refrigerated room. Some detainees were held in underground pits. (Amnesty International) The report reviewed the cases of ten children held in Gush Etzion (Police Station) between October 2000 and January 2001, and noted that interrogation methods commonly included severe beatings, dousing in cold water, putting the detainee’s head in a toilet bowl, threats and curses. (The Palestine Monitor) During his imprisonment at the…(Bagram Air Base, HUSSAIN YOUSSOUF) Mustafa estimated that he was interrogated about 25 times. Sometimes…the soldiers forced him to kneel on a concrete floor with a bag over his head. Other times they woke him from sleep or interrupted him in prayer…One day, he recalled, “an American soldier took me blindfolded. My hands were tightly cuffed, with my ears plugged so I could not hear properly, and my mouth covered so I could only make a muffled scream. Two soldiers, one on each side, forced me to bend down, and a third pressed my face down over a table. A fourth soldier then pulled down my trousers. They rammed a stick up my rectum.” (Emily Bazelon)

“But it’s our country. We’re at home here.”
“And since when does being at home put you above morality?”
“What morality? I only recognize the power of the State, even when that’s based on nothing but violence. It’s violence that accelerates the progress of a people.”
“Morality is violence. An invisible violence at first. Love is a supreme violence, hidden deep in the darkness of our atoms. When a stream flows into a river, it’s love and it’s violence. When a cloud loses itself in the sky, it’s a marriage. When the roots of a tree split open a rock it’s the movement of life. When the sea rises and falls back only to rise again it’s the process of History. When a man and a woman find each other in the silence of the night, it’s the beginning of the end of the tribe’s power, and death itself becomes a challenge to the ascendancy of the group.” (Etel Adnan, Sitt Marie Rose)

the disaster

the collapse of a little heap of sand.

“ is being killed.”
to kill
and always to kill

There is death
and murder

dealer of death.
this death and this murder.

without relation to anyone at all. dead is
dying, a murderous death —

death and murder,
a relation of singularity

is being killed.”
the deed cannot be done once and for all,

it operates
which destroys
or gift,
of Speaking — Speaking
the sheer saying — whereby this effacement,
effacing itself perpetuates itself

“ is being killed.” dead

murder — Late Tuesday evening a shooting claimed the life of a teenage boy…in the Lincoln Heights area of Los Angeles. A 14-year-old male Hispanic was walking with his sister and friends…An unknown man approached them and asked “where you from?,” at the same time shooting the victim multiple times, striking his upper body. (Los Angeles Police Department) “One morning (in Hebron), a Palestinian boy was leaving to go to school and was surrounded by five adult male settlers, one of which put a battery operated power drill to his chest (a witness) said. “This is a tactic they’ve been using against the children in the neighborhood. The boy survived and was not hospitalized, but the psychological impact of the act…breeds fear in the neighborhood’s dwindling Palestinian population. Another story detailed the abuse of a small child. “A female Israeli settler used a rock to pry open a young Palestinian boy’s mouth. She used the rock to grind down the child’s molars, (the witness) said. The speakers named what they called the settlers’ other staple methods of abuse. They allegedly included stoning, arson, beatings, destruction of property and violence inflicted by even young Israeli children. (Katherine Cox) Three civilians were killed Friday when a bomb exploded in a minibus in Kirkuk, and an Iraqi soldier died in another bombing in the west of the city, police officials said. Gunmen killed five Iraqi soldiers at a check-point south of Kirkuk. At least 21 bodies were found across Iraq, many showing signs of torture. One of them was a boy in Baghdad between the ages of 4 and 6 who had been tortured and shot in the head. (New York Times) The…report (on Herat) documents beatings with thorny branches, sticks, cables, and rifle butts. The most serious cases of torture involved hanging detainees upside down, whipping and using electric shocks. Members of the Pashtun minority have been specially targeted for abuse. A family of four in Mahmoudiyah, south of Baghdad, was killed by U.S. soldiers who raped one of the women, murdered her and burned her body. Subsequently, two soldiers from the same division were tortured and killed and their bodies were mutilated after they were kidnapped at a checkpoint near Youssifiyah. People were in the village when the Janjawid arrived at 10am. They were more than 300 and they were divided in three columns which were heading in different directions. They were ululating and shouting ‘We came to kill the black slaves.’ They came in the houses and ran after those who were trying to flee. I was running away next to the imam who was very old. He was shot four times in the back and in the leg. They then burnt the village. Only 10 out of 100 houses remained intact... (Amnesty International testimony) Two Palestinians blew themselves up moments apart near a row of packed cafés on Jerusalem's Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall, killing ten and wounding more than 170. Some twenty minutes later, a block away, a car bomb exploded. Michel Haroush, a French tourist, told reporters, "I fell down, and next thing I saw was half a human body lying by my foot." Another witness, Yossi Mizrahi, said, "I saw people without arms. I saw a person with their stomach hanging open. I saw a ten-year-old boy breathe his last breath. I can't believe anybody would do anything like this." (Human Rights Watch)
A performance of fact takes place on the battlefield, where the warring factions each attempt to discredit the other, going to elaborate lengths to manipulate the landscape of information. Catastrophe facilitates these fictions. W.G. Sebald…writes (of WWII air raids) that “the need to know was at odds with a desire to close down the senses. On the one hand, large quantities of disinformation were circulating; on the other, there were true stories that exceeded anyone’s capacity to grasp them.” At the same time that the scale of actual destruction surpasses comprehension, the tales of imagined destruction render fiction strangely tangible. In this unstable landscape, weapons of mass destruction present a glaring threat, while the devastation of war flickers as a mute memory. (Jennifer Gabrys)

the disaster

itself simply itself
there is saying — and there is saying.

a series of “small notches”
let us not fail this this
— in other words,
inscription, not distinct from

Let us make no objection
is to say,
the great verdict always right
on the condition that one not cease
one could not conceive

lived reality.”

such is the requirement,
the “object,” “the lived”;
the very significance of signification,
ultimately escapes,

which is only ever approximate),
which exceeds, or in any case
a certain “motivated” relation

an unstable presence-absence which — and
Anthony Michael Ramírez was gunned down June 21 in San Bernardino while he and his brother played basketball. (Los Angeles Times) The blast shattered windows, ripped doors from their hinges and set rows of cars ablaze. Carts used by children to carry goods for shoppers lay wrecked in the dusty street among other debris: metal, human flesh and crushed vegetables…Officials said…77 people had died in the explosion and 96 had been wounded. At the morgue…volunteers helped people find their relatives. Others, including Ali Aboodi…collected body parts. “This eye, this ring, this leg,” Aboodi said, as he separated the remains into three nylon bags. Some of the remains, including a small arm, belonged to children. (Los Angeles Times) “I think all foreigners should stop interfering in the foreign affairs of Iraq,” Wolfowitz said on his fifth day in Iraq to assess U.S. troops and Iraqi sentiments. (Jacob Ross, http://www.ausgang.com/) (The civilians murdered by U.S. soldiers) ranged from little babies to adult males and females. I'll never be able to get that out of my head. I can still smell the blood. This left something in my head and heart. (Lance Cpl. Roel Ryan Briones) In reference to the photographs of torture by soldiers working as prison guards at Abu Ghraib, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said: “My impression is that what has been charged thus far is abuse, which I believe technically is different from torture. And therefore I'm not going to address the ‘torture’ word.” The oldest living Canadian WWI veteran was interviewed on the radio a couple of years ago when he was 106 years old. When he was asked what he believed is the key to longevity, he replied: “work really hard and mind your own fucking business.”
And if it becomes necessary for intellectuals to turn into snipers, then let them snipe at their old concepts, their old questions, and their old ethics. We are not now to describe, as much as we are to be described. We’re being born totally, or else dying totally.
Yet our great friend from Pakistan, Fayiz Ahmad Fayiz, is busy with another question: “Where are the artists?”
“Which artists, Fayiz?” I ask.
“The artists of Beirut.”
“What do you want from them?”
“To draw this war on the walls of the city.”
“What’s come over you?” I exclaim. “Don’t you see the walls tumbling?”
(Mahmoud Darwish)

the disaster

being as being
into its orbit
fictions, questions, answers, propositions of truth and of error,
affirmations, negations, images, symbols, words of life and of
death) —

the demand without any rights,

thus, for thought — for thought

Moreover, thought

this nocturnal disaster is thought
thought in order that thought might
inasmuch, in any case, as it is over.

the gift — never
given — which we know
and in whose retreat
mortifying itself

the simple is not simple,

its separation from being,
as distinct from the simple,

being sorted out and

*texto leído durante la conferencia Writing when writing is impossible, impartida por Jen Hofer en el marco del Laboratorio fronterizo de Escritores

[ My praise for Bel Canto

La manera en que los libros llegan a uno es, a veces, algo no muy claro. Aquello de que un libro siempre encuentra a sus lectores es completamente acertado. ¿Será que los libros también crean sus campos magnéticos que nos van jalando hacia ellos? Probablemente. Lo cierto es que supe de Bel Canto gracias a un texto de la blogósfera. Leía que ese libro había destruído las vacaciones de verano de alguien. Recuerdo que tomé nota del título y de la autora, tal vez deseando que ese libro acabará sino con mis vacaciones (??) si con algún temido letargo o más aún que me llevará a otro sitio, que de pronto me permitiera por instantes un acceso a lo real.
Bel Canto ha hecho eso y más. Es un libro lleno de momentos inexplicables. Intrínsecos. Extraños. Ajenos. Terribles pero, inevitablemente, hermosos. El libro empieza con un beso y, al final, merece muchos más. Mientras uno lee imagina a Roxane Coss en medio de aquella fiesta de cumpleaños en honor del influyente hombre de negocios japonés Mr. Hosokawa. Al leerlo uno escucha la voz de Roxane Coss. Es una voz ciertamente hermosa. Ciertamente cercana. Cierta. Mientras leemos, ante uno aparece Gen-el traductor de Mr. Hosokawa, que terminará siedo su confidente, su amigo- que habla una docena de idiomas y que será uno de los personajes fundamentales del libro. Uno escucha a los terroristas que toman por asalto la casa del vicepresidente- Ruben Iglesias- mientras se celebra el cumpleaños de Mr.Hosokawa. Mientras Roxane Coss dice que ella puede seguir cantando, aún en la oscuridad, si alguien le da una vela. Mientras la vida de todos da un giro tremendo. Un giro que provoca y roza las fronteras de la cordura, de la vida misma.
Bel Canto es, en efecto, un canto hermoso, hermosisímo , pleno.Narrado por alguien que vuelve al pasado y nos dice la historia tal como la recuerda o tal como la vió. Un canto al amor, la esperanza, un canto deseperado que ventila las esperanzas del arte, del amor, de la política. Bel Canto es un libro lleno de instantes pródigos en imágenes delirantes. Baste recordar a Roxane Coss cantando con toda la potencia de su voz en medio del salón- parte de la casa de Rubén Iglesias, donde los terroristas los tienen capturados- todo para que el General Benjamín le entegue la caja llena de parituras para que un inesperado nuevo acompañante las estudie y, de este modo, Roxane pueda practicar y cantar todos los días, marcando con esto un antes y un después en la estructura del libro ya que los rehénes tienen la buena fortuna de escuchar la voz de Roxane todos los días. O hay que recordar el momento en que Gen y otros caen en la cuenta que entre los chicos terroristas no hay esxlcusivamente varones sino que, por el contrario, conocen de manera inesperada a Carmen y Beatriz. Basta decir que Carmen y Gen se relacionaran de modo inesperado tal y como cada uno de los personajes del libro lo hace. Bel Canto esu libro que, sin caer en lo ya dicho, se ecucha con toda fuerza. Un canto que se torna desesperado, solitario en medio de mucha violencia. Bel Canto de Ann Patchett es un libro que se escucha por muchisímo tiempo, aún después de cerrar el libro. Un libro que nunca se termina de leer. Un libro con un final extraordianrio y un epílogo ciertamente inquietante , pero eso y mucho más hace de Bel Canto un libro excepcional.Inolvidable. Un libro que transpira y respira. Un libro cuya trama se mueve por los acordes de una compleja melodía. Como si, en efecto se tratara de una ópera de Puccini. Como una melodia con sus allegros y fortissímos, y demás moviemientos.
Bel Canto no destrozó mis vaciones de verano. Pero es demasiado apresurado hablar de los daños. Eso sólo se puede saber hasta después. En el después.


[Queremos tanto a...

Juan Camilo Mouriño, jefe de la oficina de la Presidencia de la República. Definitivamente se ganó su lugar a pulso. y es que con esos ojitos y ese porte y esa elegancia ,cambia cualquier no por un cómo no.Queda la duda de su papel, pues no sabemos si la hará de vicepresidente ( ya las malas lenguas dicen que, en realidad, él es la primera dama y que, en efecto, nuevamente habrá pareja presidencial). Pero lo queremos no importa que sea gallego, que sus gasolineras vendan litros de 750 ml , ni que sea heredero de un monopolio energético del sureste, ni que, a veces, mienta sobre su nacionalidad, ni que lo investiguen por cosas mínimas como tráfico de diesel o de otras cositas, o que lo acusen de , ay dios mío, corrupto: se le perdona por galancito.Así, yo sí me hecho un campechano, faltaba más ( que conste que no soy aficionado a los taquitos) ]

some ( strange) comments

Señor soy hermafrodita y un día entro al baño de hombres y al otro al de mujeres

La verdadera estimulación temprana es aquella que comienza a las 8: 00 am

Yo me distraigo mejor

¿ Por qué no hay un grupo de MA(=masturbadores anónimos ) o de MC ( =masturbadores compulsivos) ?

Y que conste que no lo digo yo : lo dice J.

manifest of the unknow things

we don´t know nothing
what we want to know ios the question all of you hear
we don´t know nothing
your side is our side
your lips are our lips
you can touch both
we said you must touch both at the same time
see the sea is also another
way to say it
this structure is fake
this is not nonsense
we can say:
the best is when
at night
verybody gets ready



all is allowed

the questions are all the questions

transference finished :

click for open the file

*( escrito como parte de los ejercicios propuestos por jEN HoFer, en el LFE/WLB)



a la ignorancia
al miedo
al silencio